Well let me just start off by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone and man have we started our new year completely different than EVER expected. Fred and I recently just found out we are pregnant with our first child...awe I know its precious! ;) Now here is how the beginning of my lovely lady bump will start. On December 3o, 2008 I took a pregnancy test on a whim and man was I flabbergasted by this little + sign that appeared on the test. After that appeared I ran an got the instructions to make sure that the + sign meant what I thought it meant. I was in serious denial that my + sign meant positive. After reading over the instructions and making sure I was reading everything correctly I called Fred at work and said "so I just took a pregnancy test and it just came back that I was pregnant." Fred thought for a moment that I was just playing some kind of joke on him but realized soon by the tone of my voice that I was not pretending like it was April Fool's Day. I told Fred to meet me at the house as soon as he could for lunch because I had to get a new test...I had for sure gotten a bad one out of the bunch the first time. Well this time I decided not to deal with + or - signs and go with something that digitally said PREGNANT and NOT PREGNANT....well I realized maybe that wasn't the best idea either because it quickly showed up pregnant. After that I made sure to take another one and well once again the same outcome. I think I have a serious problem because I was still pretty confident that EPT had made there first ever mistake with me and I was going to get rich from it because I had momentary suffering. So we called the doctor and got an appointment and they said my first appointment would be January 26th. Well anyone that knows me knows there is no way Cassy Meisenheimer can wait that long for the 'real' answer to her question. So on December 31, 2008 I call the doctors office back to tell them I must come in for a blood test as soon as possible to make sure that these home pregnancy test were correct. They assured me several times that if 3 test had come back positive I was pregnant and I reassured them that my 3 test were incorrect. So they got me in for a blood test that day while I had to patiently wait (which I'm so good at) for almost 2 hours for them to call and let me know that yes it was official...Fred and Cassy Meisenheimer would become parents. So much to our surprise we had a late Christmas present and a New Years present! We had no idea 2009 had such big plans for us! As of right now we believe we are 5 weeks along (as of January 2, 2009) and as I said earlier will have our first 'real' appointment on January 26th when we get to here the heart beat and bring a VHS tape. And about that VHS tape Fred is in complete denial that we can't just bring a CD because we don't even own a VCR and neither does anyone else these days! :) Also, as of NOW our estimated due date is September 4th. At this very moment that I'm writing this I am not sick just have some indigestion after I eat...but I can handle that. Hopefully this is as bad as it will get....right??? We will be sure to keep everyone posted and whenever we get pictures or information we will be sure to post it. Oh and little bitty baby Meisenheimer will be attending their first MAV's game this friday...so GO MAVS! I will TRY to send out emails when we update our blog. Well it is getting late and pregnant people get tired so I need to get to bed. Once again Happy New Year, Goodnight and PEACE OUT!!
ps- Fred has been excited since he saw the FIRST + sign! :) (he's so wonderful)
1 comment:
whoo-hoo...it's our street...it makes everyone super-fertile...you're welcome
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