Monday, June 29, 2009

Trip Meisenheimer at 30 weeks!!!

Well we went to Dallas this weekend and had our final sonogram. It was lots of fun and we got to get one last look at Trip before he makes his grand entrance. We were so lucky that Fred's parents and my parents were able to make the trip with us and get to enjoy it like we did. We had a hard time getting pictures of his face because he was very active and kept covering up his face and trying to hide from us. Also, while we were in Dallas we got a car seat and a crib mattress so we are slowly but surely having everything come together. We are having the bedding made and will get that ordered today which take 4-8 weeks to come in and we only have about 9 weeks left so we will be cutting it close :)! We know that Trip has 10 fingers, 10 toes and ALL boy and is very proud to be a little boy. He also has some here so it looks like he gets that from Fred because I was bald forever! Everything is still going great just trying to finish up everything around our house to get ready for him and hope that everything keeps going as wonderful as it has been. Keep us in your prayers that everything keeps going as wonderful as it has been! Here are a few pictures from the sonogram!


In This Wonderful Life said...

he is so cute!!

Heather said...

Hi i’m Heather! I have a question for you! Please email me :)